Curriculum Information
Our Curriculum Intent
We are enthusiastic about being curious, life-long, ambitious learners at our school. We provide a broad, rich, relevant and meaningful curriculum which, as a team, we are very proud to continue to enhance to meet the needs of the children in our context. Children have a thirst for learning at Burley Oaks and we are committed to nurturing young: writers, performers, readers, international speakers, mathematicians, scientists, historians, geographers, artists, designers, musicians, sports persons and computer users. Children here are actively encouraged to follow their passions whilst becoming holistic learners, well-equipped to reach their full potential.
to find out more about what drives our curriculum and what its intent is, please click the image and each subject's intent contained in the below icons.
ScienceLeader: Miss Daykin-Pont
Threads through learning/our drivers: environment, health and possibilities
Professions and occupations learnt about through our science curriculum
Examples of work - coming soon...
Computing and Online SafetyLeader: Mr Sells
Computing and Online Safety
Long Term Planning
Take a look at our comprehensive long term plans for computing and online safety. The documents also provide details of the vocabulary used and the Computing Legends that each year group explores.
Computing and Online Safety Long Term Plan
Computing and Online Safety Long Term Plan with Vocabulary
Explore our ePortfolios which showcase the learning journey of our pupils in computing and online safety across the school. These eportfolios also include examples of pupils' work.
Online Safety
View our documents which detail the online safety in school. This includes our school's online safety parents' webpage and information about a Safer School App that can be downloaded.
Burley Oaks Online Safety Page
Photography Club
Each term, Year 6 children are provided with the opportunity to particpate in an after school photography club. At the end of the club, the children exhibit their photos in school and online. The online galleries can be viewed here.
PSHE, SMSC and British ValuesLeaders: Miss Beck and Mrs Spillane
PSHE, SMSC and British Values
Threads through learning: Relationships, Living in the Wider World and Health and Wellbeing
HistoryLeader: Miss Anderson
Threads through learning: Power and conflict, Legacy, Daily life, Beliefs, Migration
Long Term Plan / Knowledge Progression
Knowledge Organisers:
Year 1: Time Travellers
Year 2: Famous Faces: Bronte, Chippendale, Delius, Hockney and The Great Fire of London
Year 3: Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age
Year 4: The Romans, The Industrial Revolution: Education
Year 5: The Anglo Saxons, Islamic Civilisation
Year 6: The Vikings, The history of crime and punishment in Britain
Examples of work/displays - coming soon...
Religious Education (RE)Leader: Mrs Newton
Religious Education (RE)
Threads through learning:
Vocabulary development/progression
GeographyLeader: Mrs Blaythorne
Threads through learning: locational knowledge, place knowledge, human geography, physical geography, fieldwork/skills in geography and the impact of environmental and sustainability issues in our world.
Whole school long term plan for Geography
Vocabulary development/progression
Knowledge organisers:
Year 1:
Year 2: My Place in our World and The Blue Planet
Year 3: Homes Around the World, Greece and the Mediterranean and Volcanoes, Mountains and Earthquakes
Year 4: Global Trade and Rivers
Year 5: Burley verses Whitby
Year 6: Our place in our world: Brazil and Water: Friend or Foe?
Examples of work/displays - coming soon...
Art and DesignLeader: Mrs Turk
Art and Design
Threads through learning: Taking inspiration (knowledge of artists, styles and periods), mastering practical skills and developing ideas/work: exploring and experimenting, drawing, painting and working in 3D.
Vocabulary development/progression
Examples of work:
The winners of our House Art Competition 2023 - 'A British Garden Bird'
Knowledge Organisers:
Y3 - Cave Painting
Y5 -
MusicLeader: Mrs Ashton
Threads through learning:
Music and how it adds to children's Cultural Capital
Vocabulary development/progression
Examples of work - coming soon...
Physical Education (PE)Leader: Mrs Brodaty
Physical Education (PE)
Threads through learning:
Music and how it adds to children's Cultural Capital
Vocabulary development/progression
Examples of work - coming soon...
Design Technology (DT)Leader: Mrs Armstrong
Design Technology (DT)
Threads through learning:
EYFS and KS1 Road Map
KS2 Road Map
Progression and vocabulary document
Examples of work - coming soon..
FrenchLeader: Mrs Kendall
Threads through learning/key drivers: possibilities, speaking, listening and writing
Vocabulary development/progression
Examples of work - coming soon...
RSHELeader: Miss Beck and Mrs Spillane
RSHE Policy
Vocabulary expectation
Forest SchoolsForest Schools Leader
Forest Schools
Threads through learning: enjoyment of the outdoors and engaging with nature
Why Forest Schools at BOPS?
Vocabulary development/progression
CyclingCycling Coordinator: Mrs Brodaty
Threads through learning/key drivers: environment and health
EYFS and LKS2 Roadmap
KS2 Roadmap
Vocabulary development/progression